Low price casting ball mill girth gear make customer great loss

The ball mill girth gear is a modern industrial production base important parts, which is widely used in machinery and equipment in the transmission system, with the increasing demand, the large gear machining foundry after another, between everywhere, peers have also price wars in order to compete on price.


Gear price war is intense, and some colleagues even same tonnage gear can be cheaper half, small wonder: is this really it? But in doing this to lose money ah. But it is still good old saying, "a sub-price for a half", but also to deal with that sentence, "fight father price of the large gear on the market, doomed father of the pit bull gear quality."

In here,Great Wall Steel Casting reminds our customers, the large ball mill gear ring must not buy the simple pursuit of low prices, products and services is the clincher. Great Wall steel casting girth gear at a reasonable price, adhering to the "well-designed, well-cast" concept, in the large gear casting process to fully consider the details of temperature, speed, material properties, so as to ensure the quality of every piece of gear to meet Customer demand. "Fight father" quality but not "pit father" where to find the price of the large gear, Xinxiang Great Wall Steel Casting Company welcomes you.