How to prevent the large steel castings to appear hot cracking?

Great Wall Steel Casting is an excellent domestic large steel castings processing factories,in these years, all kinds of casting defects have encountered by us, it is also the generation of defect, so that Great Wall Steel Casting in the continuous casting field explore discovering the possibility of casting defects to a minimum. So for subcutaneous hot cracking, Great Wall Steel Casting engineers say that this is a secret in the steel casting subcutaneous thermal cracking, usually formed by a sand casting sharp concave corner formed thick steel castings and iron between the cold outside lower steel surface.


In fact, Great Wall technology engineer said, under normal circumstances, at the crack of subcutaneous hot sand heat is poor parts of the casting solidification area of the solid phase grain skeleton thin, good heat dissipation while other parts sand, crystal grain skeleton layer thickness. Therefore, the thermal stress peak region appeared here. When the thermal stress peak tensile strength than the thin grain skeleton at that temperature; or strain concentration should be variable exceeds its allowable elongation, thin skeleton on grain cracking. If the flow of the liquid flow is poor, can not fill the cracks in this cracking to form a thermal cracking.