XinXiang Great Wall Casting Company FAQ

Thank you for your attention and support for a long time! Recently had a lot of Feedback Consulting, I summed up some of the issues we consulted here to find out more answers.

Quick look at you also have the same questions!

1, Q: What is the weight range of Xinxiang Great Wall steel casting processing large casting?

A: Single 1-150 tons

2, Q: large-scale casting process, not how to do the drawings?

A: We can field mapping

3, Q: I want to go to visit the Great Wall of steel, how to?

A: Our address is: Xinxiang Huixian Meng Town National Sustainable Development Experimental Zone in Henan Province.

Call the tour hotline: 400-108-6668, we will notify the business manager's reception, if you are not familiar with the route, you can feel free to contact us.

4, Q: What is the Great Wall of Large Steel Castings ordering process?

A: Contact the Great Wall Steel Casting Company.

Great Wall Steel Casting provide you with a variety of contacts and channels: call 24-hour service Tel: 400-108-6668, or fill out the online order site.

Our staff will be your personal, unit details detailed record, exclusively for you to establish your customer profiles, and in the latter to provide you with more value-added services.

02. identify needs

Business manager then you have to visit or telephone interviews about your purchase needs, and depending on your situation and recommend appropriate for your processing requirements of the processing program, allowing you to inspect and decide.

03. contract

Once you determine the casting processing program, we ordered the two sides will sign a contract.

04. Under a single production

After the delivery of the deposit, we have hundreds of employees will begin to provide you with high quality cast steel castings.

05. detect and deliver satisfaction

You can choose your own detection or factory testing, we are full with your request. After you complete satisfaction, we began to prepare shipments, from this moment, you begin to enjoy our star of the service.