Jaw Crusher Plate Operation Principle

The performance of jaw crusher is mainly determined by the kinetic characteristic of the jaw crusher plate during the crushing process. The practical kinetic characteristic of the liners which are located in certain domain of the coupler plane are computed.

Based on those computing results and analysis for the points chosen from the liners paralleling coupler plane, unique Swing features and kinematics arguments are determined in order to build the kinetic characteristic arguments.


The job is helpful for a design of new prototype of this kind of machine on optimizing the frame, designing the chamber and recognizing the Crushing character. Kinetic characteristic of the crushing interface or jaw plate.

Based on the computation and the analysis of the practical kinetic characteristic of the points in the liner domain, some traditional motion parameters and some kinetic arguments are calculated. According to the requirement for the squeezing motion of different zone in the crushing chamber, the chamber geometry can be improved So many 3-D parametric software are use for modeling function To reduce the development cycle and improve the design quality of jaw crusher.


Jaw Crusher mechanism” takes full advantage of the Function module of the Pro/Engineer platform to make model simulation and dynamic analysis on the actual jaw crusher mechanism, and provided the updated path for the design and manufacture of Jaw Crusher. Interference detection module is one important module of the Pro/E simulation platform, and is also one key technology of the computer graphics, and has been widely applied in the fields of virtual simulation. The appropriate level of interference detection is selected according to the need of motion simulation and collision detection of the system is carried according to the settings.