Great Wall Steel Casting Company create a full customized service concept

As the world's leading steel castings processing suppliers, Great Wall Steel Casting Company is on the basis of inheriting fine quality,combined with the application of steel castings and customer needs to provide a full range of customized processing programs,we are from steel casting design, casting and maintenance, providing customers with a number of high-quality steel products, and maximize the interests of customers.

Respond to different needs of customers design and processing of steel castings.

Great Wall steel casting company has kinds of steel castings, customer groups are also facing many areas of their application also differ.If in accordance with uniform standards, it is difficult to meet customer demand for processing. So faced with different customer needs,Great Wall Steel Casting Company will provide customers with customized steel castings machining program.


Casting Steel Node for Shandong customer is one classic case.Shandong customers are construction companies, the acceptance criteria for the node is not very clear.When customers are anxious,Great Wall Steel Casting Company with many years of experience in casting and customer experience,we use the shortest possible time,the most comprehensive thinking to develop a set of nodes from the cast material, mechanical properties, testing standards, nozzle technical requirements for a full range of advisory solutions.

According to customer demand to customize service

Termination of sales does not represent the end of cooperation, in addition to customized processing services steel castings, Great Wall Steel Casting Company also provide customized service.Castings in daily use also need to be maintained in a different environment, to maintain the same kind of steel casting method may vary. When in use of steel products,we will cast customized post-maintenance method.