Slag pot manufacturer take the route of middle and high-end

For a long time, we have some misunderstanding of our casting industry and believe that our country faced the problem of huge overcapacity of steel castings.

The actual situation is different. The so-called overcapacity refers to the overcapacity of steel-castings with low quality, The steel castings with middle and high quality still can not meet the need of market.

So the processing factories of steel castings like slag ladle need to transform the requirements for productive capacity of low-end steel castings into the requirements for high-end steel castings .What shoud we do and what difficulties shoud we resolve?

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Difficulties in technique and professional production experience

The production of steel castings such as slag pot in our country has went through three development stages including “introduction, absorption and re-innovation” in tne area of technique.

We have accumulated rich experience of techniques and professional production capacity in every step of industry processing,

The excellent enterprises in this industry both have paticular proprietary techniques in some area, which help them gain their core competence.

But with the continuously speeding up of innovation in casting industry, the huge steel casting manufacturer should catch up with the step of time and should strengthen the ability of independent innovation. According to the need of customers and the continuously changing market, the casting manufacturing enterprises should produce new products with high quality and low energy consumption to meet the unique requirement of customers.