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Xinxiang Great Wall Steel Casting at the National Casting Expo

11 May 2023 UTC+8Views:

 From May 8 to 11, 2023, the 21st China International Casting Expo was held in Tianjin National Convention and Exhibition Center. Great Wall Steel Casting was exhibited in the exhibition.

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Xinxiang Great Wall Steel Casting at the National Casting Ex

On the afternoon of May 10th, Li Jiyou, Mayor of Huixian City, Yan Renqiang, Deputy Mayor, Ning Liang, Director of Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Song Yuntian, Secretary of the Party Committee of Mengzhuang Town, Guo Xunyou, Mayor of Huixian City and other leaders visited the booth of Great Wall Cast Steel to visit and guide. Mayor Li and the participants had an in-depth discussion on the industry status, development mode and development prospect, and pointed out that as a leading foundry enterprise of Huixian City, we should actively grasp the opportunity of the exhibition. Strengthen communication with enterprise customers, Discuss, in-depth understanding of market demand and industry dynamics, to provide customers with better quality products and services, boost enterprises to achieve high quality development.


Xinxiang Great Wall Cast Steel will take this opportunity, with the help of the platform of China International Casting Expo, strengthen industry communication and cooperation, further consolidate its position in the domestic high-end equipment manufacturing field, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the casting industry, and continue to take the high quality development road.
