How often to maintain the vertical mill grinding roller

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Theoretically, the general using time of vertical mill grinding roller is 500 hours. However, this is not the standard time. If the material hardness is larger, the grinding roller may use a shorter time. But in general, the actual working time is less than 500 hours. It is recommended that users do well regular inspection and daily maintenance work, as far as possible to prolong the grinding roller replacement cycle.

A shorter roller replacement cycle is not conducive to industrial production. Therefore, in the choice of grinding roller and grinding table manufacturers, you'd better choose the well-known manufacturers for quality product, to prolong the replacement cycle.

CHAEGN engineers introduce to all customers  that: CHAENG customized grinding roller and grinding table for vertical mill is processed by international advanced technology and equipment. CHAENG is able to manufacture grinding roller with diameter of 2.6m - 6.4m.

Main advantages of CHAENG vertical mill grinding roller:
1. High strength, strong crack-resistance, wear-resistance
2. Perform finishing process of grinding roller with electric arc gouging, to guarantee good appearance of grinding roller.
3. Low abrasion during operation, reduced maintenance and replacement times, longer service life.
4. Reduce the times of surfacing welding, to save maintenance costs, and avoid loss of production caused by maintenance downtime.

International vertical roller mill manufacturer -- Danish Vertical Mill Co., Ltd. choose CHAENG (Great Wall Steel Casting Co., Ltd) as their vertical mill parts suppllier after careful investigation.

CHAENG accepts trust and praise from customers for quality product and reliable service. CHAENG is always makeing efforts to provides better and better product for worldwide customers.

CHAENG (Great Wall Steel Casting Co., Ltd)
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