Great Wall casting 132 tons of large anvil delivery

Great Wall casting 132 tons oflarge anvil


Cooperation time: 2014

Supply of castings: large ram hammer anvil

Customer: Henan well - known forging company

Supplier: CHAENG(Great Wall Casting Co.,Ltd)

Customer evaluation: reliable, durable, short delivery time.

It is understood that the Great Wall cast steel casting 132 tons of large anvil with four bags of pouring pouring, the process of molten steel amounted to 160.5 tons, while the actual smelting of molten steel up to 165 tons, smelting unprecedented degree of difficulty. In order to ensure product quality, the Great Wall cast steel technical staff for each process are carefully planned, scientific organizations. After the upper and lower co-operation, careful operation, an effective solution to the casting anvil casting process in the various problems, to achieve the tapping, casting time and the best match the temperature of molten steel, from the overall guarantee of a large cast steel anvil Block quality.


The future, the Great Wall of steel products will continue to sharpen the market in the quality of future success adhere to the beginning of the heart, in the casting field, for more partners to cast high-quality high-end steel casting products for the development of China's casting industry contribute my effort.

CHAENG(Great Wall Casting Co.,Ltd)

Custom 1-150 t Steel Castings according to Your Drawing
