Characteristics of steel casting processes

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Steel castings are a lot of different shapes of metal objects, their casting process is very complex and very artistic, then what is the haracteristics of steel casting processes?

Large casting process has many process design factors and many design means. Some factors which are inconspicuous in the small castings has a significant impact on large castings.

The process batch of large steel castings is small, and the process test and improvement is difficult. So that it is required designers have rich knowledge and experience.

Steel casting process design is compiled on the basis of summing up and improving, it is a technical management measure to obtain high quality and high yield cast steel. In the selection of casting process, the specific conditions of foundry must be considered, such as the operation of foundry equipment, production capacity, the structure and size of steel castings, technical requirements and production quantities. The main principles of the selection of foundry process scheme are discussed in this paper.

After the decision of the process plan of steel castings, the casting process parameters should be selected according to the shape, size and technical requirements of the product part drawings. The casting process parameters are determined by the characteristics of metal types and casting methods.

Great Wall Steel Casting Co., Ltd
