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CHAENG made a 132-ton cast steel anvil block for forging machine

22 Feb 2019 UTC+8Views:

Product: Anvil

Material: Cast steel

Qty: 1 pc

Weight: 132T

anvil block.jpg

CHAENG manufactured a large 132-ton cast steel anvil block of die forging hammer for the leading forging industry in China, the well-known forging company in Henan. This 132-ton anvil were poured by four ladles together. The amount of molten steel in the process reached 160.5 tons, and the actual smelting of molten steel reached 165 tons. The smelting difficulty is unprecedented. In order to ensure product quality, technicians of CHAENG have carefully planned and scientifically organized each process. Through careful cooperation and careful operation, various problems in casting process of the steel casting anvil are effectively solved, and the best match between tapping time, casting time and molten steel temperature is achieved, so that the quality of the cast steel anvil is ensured.
