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In the production of slag pots, the considerations of CHAENG in the cleaning process

23 May 2019 UTC+8Views:

The casting slag pot production can be divided into seven processes: sand mixing process, modeling process, molten steel smelting process, pouring process, slag pot cleaning, slag pot annealing heat treatment, and slag pot quality inspection. Each step in slag pot production is of great significance. 

casting slag pot

The slag pot cleaning process is a link after the pouring process. Although it is not the most technically demanding and difficult part in the whole process, it is an indispensable step. The foundry should pay attention to it and strictly follow the standards.

Slag pot cleaning precautions and requirements:

Before the slag pot is completely solidified, it cannot be moved, and it is not allowed to spray water at 600 °C or above. The casting is generally cleaned after 2 hours to 3 hours of natural cooling.

casting slag pot

1. Procedures

Cleaning the surface of the casting, waste sand in cavity → cutting casting gate, riser, burr → cleaning the residual sand of the casting again → welding the castings → grinding the castings → quality acceptance

2. Operation methods and quality standards

Preparation work

Wear work clothes and work caps as required, and confirm the work environment safely; prepare the machine equipment and tools, and ensure that the equipment and tools are in good condition and can operate normally.


(1) Use the pneumatic pick or water sand remover to clean the waste sand.

(2) After the waste sand is cleaned, use cutting torch according to the“Gas Cut Safety Technology Operation Regulations” to cut the casting gate, riser, fins, and burr.

(3) Operate the electric welder in accordance with the “Safety Technical Operation Rules for Electric Welders” to weld the defective parts of the castings to ensure the integrity of the castings.

(4) Grinding the parts being cut and welded by grinding machine to ensure these parts are smooth.

(5) After the polishing is completed, the acceptance is performed and the heat treatment is prepared.
